Work program for children's fitness. Additional education program for physical education and sports "children's fitness" Work program for children's fitness in pre-school

Work program for children's fitness. Additional education program for physical education and sports "children's fitness" Work program for children's fitness in pre-school

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


What is children's fitness? First of all, this is a set of play activities that harmoniously combine elements of choreography and aerobics, as well as gymnastics, etc. The main goal of fitness for children is the development of artistry and strength qualities, a sense of rhythm, flexibility and endurance, and coordination. When can you send your little one to fitness, and how to choose a program?

Features of children's fitness

About 20 years ago, no one had any questions about the lack of mobility of children - children’s voices rang in the courtyards from early morning until dark. Outdoor games were an integral part of childhood - football and hockey, hide and seek and cycling. Pleasant fatigue in the evening and a peaceful, healthy sleep at night. Modern children, as we know, spend most of their time with tablets and laptops. There is no question of physical development with this lifestyle.

Children's fitness, as a fun and active activity, solves this problem.

How is it different from regular physical education classes and sports schools?

  • The format of the classes is playful and exciting.
  • The programs are individual, based on the psychophysical state of the baby.
  • The development of all muscle groups occurs evenly.
  • There is no system of personal competitions and assessments. Children attend classes with pleasure - they don’t have to be upset about losing.
  • Compulsory physical education and sports activities in sections attract a child less than play activities accompanied by music in comfortable psychological conditions and taking into account adapted loads.
  • Part of children's fitness includes play sessions with a speech therapist.
  • Low morbidity. That is, occupational safety.
  • Variety of activities.

Age for children to exercise in a fitness club

Children are usually brought to fitness classes from the age of one and a half years. Of course, not without taking into account the characteristics of the body. The maximum number of children in a group is 10-15 people.

Age groups:

  • The smallest - 2-4 years old

Classes to strengthen muscles and spine, coordinate movements and develop motor skills. Parents' presence is required.

  • Baby – 4-6 years old

Aerobic, strength and development exercises. Speech development classes.

  • Older children - 7-11 years old

Emphasis on posture, strong-willed qualities, muscle development. Exercise classes.

  • Teenagers - up to 16 years old

A set of exercises aimed at overall physical development and endurance.

Class times for each age:

  • For babies 2-4 years old - a maximum of 30 minutes and no more than 2 times a week.
  • For children under 10 years old - half an hour 2-3 times a week.
  • For teenagers - 40 minutes three times a week.

Where and how are classes held?

- these are specially equipped rooms with swings and ropes, with dry pools, with a wall bars and machines, with soft modules, etc. Activities for the little ones are usually plotless and role-playing - exclusively in the form of a game.

Taking into account the characteristics of the body/age, types of aerobics such as fitball and step, dance aerobics and even yoga can be used.

Children's fitness - the result of classes:

  • Development of all muscle groups.
  • Correction of posture.
  • Development of movement coordination.
  • Development of orientation in space.
  • Development of social skills, leadership qualities and communication skills.
  • Improved sleep.
  • Help with problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Formation of a muscle corset.
  • Improving joint mobility.
  • Development of self-control and discipline.
  • Development of logical thinking.
  • And etc.

The lesson plan consists of...

  • Warm-ups. Here the main emphasis is on general strengthening exercises for all muscle groups.
  • Main part. It involves active games using equipment.
  • The final part. Game part to consolidate the result.

Contraindications for children's fitness classes

One of the most significant advantages of classes is the absence of contraindications. There are practically none. And even if there are any, you can always choose an individual program to improve your baby’s health.

  • For chronic diseases, an individual set of classes must be selected.
  • If you have problems with the spine, strength exercises are prohibited. But aerobics (and swimming), on the contrary, are very useful.
  • In case of asthma, aerobics is already excluded, and yoga classes, on the contrary, are expanded.

In addition to consulting with the instructor directly, it is recommended that you also consult with a pediatrician. Coordinate your plans with your doctor. This is especially true for mothers of very young children.

The best children's fitness programs

There is no clear training program for children's fitness. This, perhaps, is its main advantage.

What do children's fitness clubs offer today for kids?

  • Logo aerobics

This type of fitness involves performing exercises together with the pronunciation of certain sounds and quatrains.

  • Capoeira

A type of activity adored by many modern kids. It combines a special technique of leg movement, dance and martial art.

  • Animal aerobics

These exercises look like imitating the movements of animals. Little ones love this type of fitness.

  • Rock climbing and ropes.
  • Roller skating/biking.
  • Dancing and swimming.
  • Yoga.
  • Fitball.
  • Classes on massage mats.
  • Power training.
  • Programs for developing motor skills, improving posture or preventing flat feet.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Rhythm and aerobics.
  • Woo-shu.
  • Kinesiological exercises.

Exercises to activate mental abilities and the cerebral hemispheres.

  • Ballinger training gymnastics

The goal is the development of mental functions.

  • Tempering gymnastics.
  • Dance gymnastics.
  • Water aerobics.
  • “Rocking chair” for kids (simulators).

Is children's fitness possible in your own apartment?

Of course, you can study at home - no one will forbid you from doing so. But it is recommended to carry out training with the participation of a trainer and following his recommendations.

And considering that one of the goals of children's fitness is the development of social skills and the maximum switching of the child from the computer to real life, it is still better to accustom the baby to activities outside the home - in groups with peers.

1. Explanatory note
Educational program “Children’s Fitness” for the provision of additional paid services, the development of which was carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. The program provides expanded opportunities for the implementation of a general education program for preschool education of children from 4 to 5 years old, and is a document on the basis of which a preschool educational institution independently carries out educational activities. The duration of the Program is 2 years.
The organization of activities of adults and children to implement and master the Program is carried out in joint activities of adults and children. The total volume of activities complies with the requirements of current Sanitary and Norms.

Fitness classes ensure the proper development of the child’s body. Unlike physical education, children's fitness is aimed specifically at maintaining the health and physical fitness of the child. In this case, there is no “chase for results,” which sometimes makes children’s sports more interesting for the child.

This program corrects posture, prevents flat feet and problems with the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the cardiovascular system, develops coordination, strength, flexibility, endurance, sense of rhythm, and artistry.

Modern children experience a “motor deficit”, since even preschoolers spend most of their time in a static position (at tables, televisions; this causes fatigue of certain muscle groups, which affects poor posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet, instead of age-related development of basic physical qualities: speed, coordination, endurance, flexibility and strength).

Every parent wants to see their baby healthy, cheerful, harmoniously developed. It is necessary to ensure the child’s need for movement, to provide an opportunity to satisfy the “motor deficit”. The main motive of young children in mastering and improving motor experience is the interest of specialized activities, therefore, it is expedient and conscious to create activities when children can throw out not only their emotions and frolic, but also acquire the necessary skills and abilities.


Currently, objective conditions have developed in Russia for the development of children's fitness.
The relevance and pedagogical feasibility of the developed program is due to the fact that over the last decade in Russia there has been a persistent tendency towards deterioration in the health indicators of preschool children. According to experts, every second modern preschooler has health problems. One of the main reasons for this indicator is a sedentary lifestyle. The Internet, computer games and sitting in front of the TV, as well as classes, classes, classes - all this leads to the fact that every year the level of general health of preschoolers is steadily declining. At the same time, scientists have proven that the physical development of a child is an integral component of the development of his personality as a whole, and physical activity is one of the stages of his adaptation to society.
So what is “children's fitness”? The word fitness itself is translated from English as “to be in shape.” Of course, you need to start being in shape from childhood. And “children’s fitness” is the harmonious physical development of a child based on taking into account his age characteristics, needs, interests, capabilities and level of health.
Children's fitness is a unique comprehensive system of multidirectional classes and activities. This is a kaleidoscope of exciting activities, amazing children's parties and matinees, victories at the first real competitions. This includes yoga and oriental arts, dance styles and classes in the pool and game lessons and physical training classes, in some clubs there are also rollerblades, skiing, and outdoor sports games. For those who want to professionally master the technical elements of their favorite sports, many fitness clubs have sections for sports such as martial arts, tennis, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics.
The basis of the organization of children's fitness is the rational use of physical culture and sports in the improvement of health and development of the child in accordance with age standards.
Children's fitness is a new, unique world of mental and physical harmony for a child. This is an opportunity to express yourself through the prism of your interests and abilities; self-realization, fulfillment of your desires, new friends.
The advantage of children's fitness over sports sections or the same regular physical education classes: firstly, fitness harmoniously develops the child, while in sports sections the load is given unevenly, and secondly, physical education classes “smell” of obligation: children have no choice what to do do. Nothing like this can happen in children's fitness. The novelty of the program lies in the idea of ​​a harmonious combination of modern health technologies: a training information system (TIS), developed by Professor D.P. Rybakov, breathing exercises according to the method of A.A. Smetankin, health-improving fitball-gymnastics, classical health-improving techniques and general physical training.
The program includes preventive and health-improving techniques (specially selected physical exercises, elements of acupressure, self-massage techniques, plantar reflexology, relaxation exercises, play exercises, etc.) aimed at preventing functional disorders of the organs and systems of the body, preventing fatigue and mental stress. Recommendations are given to parents on how to improve their children's health at home (independent exercises, hardening, phyto- and vitamin prophylaxis, etc.).
The choice of methodology for conducting a lesson, determining its form, structure and content depends on the characteristics of the age development of children, the formation of their motor, emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres.
Mostly children's physical education and health programs are comprehensive and contain exercises aimed at developing physical qualities and mastering new motor actions.
The methodology for constructing health-improving training for children (fitness training) differs from the traditional method of training young athletes, as well as from physical education classes.
It is based on the principles of constructing training in health or physical fitness, which involves reducing the risk of diseases, increasing overall physical and intellectual performance, proper nutrition, safe behavior skills, creating favorable environmental conditions during exercise, etc.
The play-oriented nature of activities is of great importance in children's fitness. Games and game tasks can be used in different parts of the lesson. During the warm-up, it is advisable to conduct games on attention and proper breathing. In the main part of the lesson, they can be aimed at improving or consolidating already mastered motor skills and abilities, in the final part - at relaxation and recovery. Particularly popular among preschoolers are activities based on a single game plot within the framework of one or several classes.
The goal of children's fitness is, based on the integrated use of physical education factors, to lay the foundation for harmonious physical development and comprehensive improvement of the child's physical abilities in unity with the education of his spiritual and moral qualities.
To achieve this goal, in the process of children's fitness classes, three main groups of tasks are solved:
Objectives of the 1st year of study:
1. Educational
- introduce basic knowledge of physical education;
take care of the formation of children’s posture, strengthening the muscles of the feet, as well as the muscles of the hands and fingers.
2. Developmental:
promote the development of fine motor skills and proper breathing;
promote the development of coordination of movements, their efficiency and rhythm.
- cultivate friendly relationships between children;
- cultivate moral and volitional qualities;
- develop cognitive interest and expand horizons.
- protection and promotion of children's health;
- nurturing the need for a healthy lifestyle
- reduction of morbidity.
Objectives of the 2nd year of study:
1. Educational
- analyze and evaluate the consistency and quality of your
- consolidate previously acquired motor skills by children
and skills;
continue to develop the skill of correct posture;
orthopedic balls.
2. Developmental:
develop and improve basic physical qualities, motor skills and abilities;



- reduction of morbidity.
Objectives of the 3rd year of study:
1. Educational
- teach the necessary knowledge in physical education;
- to develop vital skills and abilities;
- familiarize yourself with the rules of self-monitoring of your health status at
classes and at home;
develop the skill of correct posture;
teach diaphragmatic relaxation breathing skills;
study outdoor switchgear complexes, exercises on simulators and large
orthopedic balls.
2. Developmental:
develop and improve basic physical qualities, motor skills and abilities;
promote the development of fine motor skills, correct speech, diction, correct breathing;
develop interest in physical education and sports.
- develop physical qualities;
- cultivate moral and volitional qualities.
- increasing the functional level of organs and systems
the body through optimal physical activity;
- implementation of correction of existing functional
disorders of the musculoskeletal system, vision, nervous,
cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems
- increasing physical and mental performance;
- reduction of morbidity.
When organizing a children's fitness program, the following division into groups is mainly used:
1.5 – 3 years (toddlers);
3 - 5 years old (younger preschoolers)
5 – 6/7 years (preschoolers);
Duration of the program: 3 years.
Forms of organization of classes: group, subgroup, individual. Classes can be theoretical, practical, or combined. The combined form of classes is used most often. It includes a theoretical part (conversation, instruction, viewing illustrations) and a practical part (mastering techniques, practicing skills, training, games, relay races, independent work).
Class schedule: classes are held twice a week, class duration is one academic hour. The total duration is 72 hours per academic year. The duration of the lesson for children is 1.5 - 3 - 20 minutes, 3 - 5 - 25 minutes, 5-7 - 30 minutes.
Expected results and methods for determining effectiveness.
Pupils of the 1st year of study will know:
Basic knowledge of physical education;
2. Ways to improve health through physical exercise, daily routine, and hygiene skills.
3. Basic exercises aimed at improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system (posture and feet),
Pupils of the 2nd year of study will know:
1. Ways to improve health through physical exercise, daily routine, hygiene skills, and hardening.
2. Sets of exercises aimed at improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system (posture and feet), visual analyzer, cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems.
3. Rules for a healthy lifestyle, individual responsibility for one’s health.
Pupils of the 3rd year of study will know;
Required knowledge of physical education;
Rules for self-monitoring of your health in class and at home;
diaphragmatic relaxation breathing skills;
outdoor switchgear complexes, exercises on simulators and large orthopedic balls.
Year 1 students will be able to:
Apply basic knowledge of physical education;
2. Use ways to improve health through physical exercise, daily routine, and hygiene skills.
3. Use basic exercises aimed at improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system (posture and feet),
Pupils of 2 years will be able to:
1. Use means that help increase the level of physical development and the degree of its harmony, techniques for the formation of moral and volitional qualities.
2. Use techniques that reduce fatigue, hyperexcitability, and increase mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, observation, imagination).
3. Apply health-improving techniques to improve your health.
3rd year students will be able to:
Apply the necessary knowledge of physical education;
Use the rules of self-monitoring of your health in class and at home;
Use diaphragmatic relaxation breathing skills;
Use outdoor switchgear complexes, exercises on simulators and large orthopedic balls.
The effectiveness of students' mastery of the program is carried out through the use of various testing methods:
current control of knowledge in the process of oral questioning;
current monitoring of skills and abilities in the process of monitoring individual work;
thematic control of skills and abilities after studying topics;
mutual control;
final control of skills and abilities.
analysis of medical records of pupils (number of acute diseases per year, indicators of physical development, shoulder index, health group, physical education group), control exercises and tests, journals (academic performance, absences from classes due to illness).
Forms for summing up the program implementation:
The results of the program implementation are summed up at the end of each
covered topics in the form of conversations, performing control exercises, tests, anthropometric measurements, examination of posture and feet, comparative analysis of data from control examinations and tests, quizzes, health holidays.

1 Introductory lesson
0,5 0,5
2 “Finger gymnastics”. “Joint gymnastics” 0.5 2
3 Listening to music
0,5 2
4 Posture
2 10
5 Basic aerobics steps
2 10
6 Stretching
2 10
7 Learning to relax
1 8
8 Prevention of flat feet
2 10
9 Outdoor games
1 8
10 Final lesson
0,5 0,5
12 60

Total: theory 12 hours; practice 60 hours
Only 72 hours.

1 Introductory lesson
0,5 0,5
2 Posture
2 8
3 Prevention of flat feet
1 5
4 Aerobics
1 8
5 Dance aerobics
1 10
6 Acrobatics
1 8
7 Shaping
1 8
8 Stretching
2 8
9 Outdoor games
1 5
10 Final lesson
0,5 0,5
11 61

Only 72 hours.

1 Introductory lesson
0,5 0,5
2 Posture
2 8
3 Prevention of flat feet
1 5
4 Aerobics
1 8
5 Dance aerobics
1 10
6 Shaping
1 8
7 Stretching
1 8
8 Learning to relax
2 8
9 Outdoor games
1 5
10 Final lesson
0,5 0,5
11 61

Total: theory 11 hours; practice 61 hours
Only 72 hours.

Topic No. 1: “Introductory lesson” (1 hour).

Topic No. 2 “Finger gymnastics”. “Joint gymnastics”
Conversation: Fine motor skills, our minds at our fingertips.
Practical work: exercises to develop fine motor skills. BAT on hands, massage. Finger massage. Finger Theater Gymnastics for joints. Outdoor games “Day - Night”, “Do as I do”.

Topic No. 3 Listening to music (2.5 hours)
Theory: Conversation: “It’s nice to listen to beautiful music”
Practice: In the process of listening to music, children learn what feelings music conveys, what and how it talks about.

Topic No. 4: “Posture” (12 hours).
Theory: Conversations “Beautiful Posture”.
Practical work: Warm-up. Sets of exercises for all muscle groups. Sets of exercises to develop the skill of correct posture. Outdoor games: “Rocket”.

Topic No. 5 Basic steps of aerobics (12 hours)
Theory: “Physical qualities: strength, agility, endurance, speed.”
Practical work: Different types of walking, running and jumping; jumping with different hand positions; warm-up exercises, balance exercises.

Topic No. 6 Stretching (12 hours)
Theory: Safety precautions.
Practical work: Sets of stretching exercises. Medium mobility games.

Topic No. 7 Learning to relax (9 hours)
Theory: Conversation Types of breathing. Breathing rules when doing exercises, walking, running, jumping.
Practical work: Breathing exercises complexes. Special breathing exercises for broncho-pulmonary diseases.

Topic No. 8: Prevention of flat feet (12 hours).
Theory: Conversation “On the prevention of flat feet.”
Practical work: Warm-up. Sets of exercises that strengthen the foot and leg muscles. Walking along the massage path. Games: “Giants, dwarfs”, “Spruce, Christmas tree, Christmas tree”, etc.

Theory: outdoor games, Explanation of the rules of the game.
Practice: “Carousel”, “Wolf and Hare”, “Mousetrap”, “Bird in the Nest”, “Geese - Swans”, “Owl - Owl” and others.

2 years of study
Theory: Familiarity. Safety precautions and rules of behavior in the hall. Sports equipment and inventory, rules for handling them. Sports uniform. Hygienic requirements. Introduction to the program. Anthropometry (determining the shoulder index), examination of posture and feet.

Theory: Conversations “Beautiful Posture”. “Prevention of postural disorders.”

Practical work: Warm-up. Sets of exercises that strengthen the foot and leg muscles. Foot massage with massage balls, walking along a massage path. Games: “Mousetrap”, “Empty Space”, etc.

Topic No. 4: Aerobics (4 hours).
Theory: Conversations “On the benefits of aerobics.” Types of aerobics.
Practical work: Different types of walking, running and jumping; jumping rope, jumping with different hand positions, exercises on step boards.

Theory: Conversation “What is dance aerobics”:
Practice: Learning individual dance exercises and entire dance complexes.

“Topic 6. Acrobatics
Theory: Conversation: “We are circus performers”
Practical work: Sets of exercises with elements of acrobatics. Learning lead-up exercises. Outdoor games, relay races.

Topic No. 7 Shaping
Theory: Conversations. “What is shaping”, Types of shaping.
Practice: Warm-up, sets of exercises to develop basic motor qualities. Outdoor games “Tag”, “Third odd”. Exercises aimed at correcting your figure and posture. Exercises for individual muscle groups.

Topic No. 8 Stretching,
Practice: Exercises aimed at developing and maintaining flexibility and mobility of joints, relaxation exercise:

Topic No. 9 Outdoor games (9 hours)
Practice: “By the bear in the forest”, “find your house”, “pluck feathers”, “puffed corn”, “let’s build bridges”, “sparrows and the cat” and others.

Topic No. 10 Final lesson (1 hour)
Performance Research Classes. Summarizing.

3 years of study
Topic No. 1: “Introductory lesson” (2 hours).
Theory: Familiarity. Safety precautions and rules of behavior in the hall. Sports equipment and inventory, rules for handling them. Sports uniform. Hygienic requirements. Introduction to the program. Anthropometry (determining the shoulder index), examination of posture and feet. Ways to self-monitor your condition.

Topic No. 2: “Posture” (12 hours).
Theory: Conversations “Beautiful Posture”. Conversation “The spine is the key to health.” “Prevention of postural disorders.”
Practical work: Warm-up. Sets of exercises for all muscle groups. Health path. Sets of exercises to develop the skill of correct posture. Outdoor games: by age.

Topic No. 3: “Prevention of Flat Feet” (6 hours).
Theory: Conversation “On the prevention of flat feet.” BAT on the foot.
Practical work: Warm-up. Sets of exercises that strengthen the foot and leg muscles. Foot massage with massage balls, walking along a massage path. Games: “hares in the garden”, “Nimble legs”, etc.

Topic No. 4: Aerobics (4 hours).
Theory: Conversations “The influence of fitness classes on physiques.”
Practical work: Different types of walking, running and jumping; warm-up exercises, exercises for general endurance, strength endurance, and flexibility development.

Topic No. 5: Dance aerobics
Theory: Conversation “dance aerobics styles”
Practice: Learning and demonstrating dance routines.

Topic 6. Acrobatics
Theory: Conversation: Safety precautions when working with sports equipment to prevent injuries.
Practical work: Sets of exercises with elements of acrobatics. Improving the technique of familiar exercises and learning new exercises. Outdoor games, relay races.

Topic No. 7 “Shaping”, Fitball-gymnastics”
Theory: safety precautions. Rules of behavior on balls. Introduction to the properties of the ball. Correct position on the ball. Rules for choosing a ball.
Practical work: sets of exercises on balls for all muscle groups from different starting positions. Exercises in pairs. Exercises for balance and coordination of movements. Balancing on the ball. Relaxation exercises. Games: “Catch the ball”, “Loading watermelons”, “Carrying watermelons”, “Locomotive”, “Caterpillar”, “Roll the ball”.

Topic No. 8 Stretching, Pilates, callanetics.
Theory: Conversations. "Developing flexibility"
Practice: Exercises for flexibility, stretching, joint mobility. Relaxation exercises.
Topic No. 9 Outdoor games (9 hours)
Theory: outdoor games, outdoor didactic games. Explanation of the rules of the game.
Practice: “Flying saucers”, “Repeat after me”, “Guess whose voice”, “We are funny guys”, and others.

Topic No. 10 Final lesson (1 hour)
Performance Research Classes. Summing up
Methodological support of the program:

1. Recommendations and guidelines for conducting conversations, games, theoretical and practical classes, developed in accordance with the basic principles of pedagogy, taking into account the physiological characteristics, physical development and health status of students of this age.
2. Literature and visual aids (posters, diagrams, cards with sets of exercises, albums, photographs).

Technical equipment of classes:

1. Classes are held in a spacious, bright hall, preferably with a carpeted floor, equipped with sports equipment and TIS training equipment.

2. For classes you need a tape recorder and audio cassettes or disks with recorded music.

List of literature used in compiling the program and addressed to teachers:

2. Evdokimova T.A., Klubkova E.Yu., Didur M.D. Fitball gymnastics in improving the health of the body. Methodological guide for exercise therapy specialists and fitness centers. St. Petersburg, 2000
3. Zaitsev G.K., Zaitsev A.G. Your health. Strengthening the body. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2000.
4. Ivanov M.S. Therapeutic exercise for diseases in childhood. M., 1975
5. Krasikova I.S. Flat feet in children. Prevention and treatment. Crown print, St. Petersburg, 2003
6. Kulikovskaya T.A. Tongue twisters and tongue twisters. Workshop on improving diction. M.: Publishing House Gnom i D, LLC, 2000.
7. Laptev A.K. The secret of the health pyramid. St. Petersburg: RETROS, 1998
8. Nikitin S.E., Trishin T.V. Health and beauty of your posture. M.: Sov.Sport, 2002
9. Obukhova L.A., Lemyaskina N.A. Thirty health lessons for first graders. Toolkit. M.: Sphere shopping center, 1999.
10. Onuchin N.A. Breathing exercises for children. M., St. Petersburg: AST, Sova, 2005.
11. Ostanko L.V. One hundred fun exercises for children. St. Petersburg: Crown print, 2005
12. Potanchuk A.A., Spirina I.Yu. Posture of children. St. Petersburg: Comet, 1994.
13. Ruzina M.S. Country of finger games. St. Petersburg, 1997
14. Savina L.P. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech in preschoolers. M.: AST, 2002.
15. Sokolov P.P. Physical education against illness. Hypotension can be overcome. M.: Sov. Sports, 1989
16. Smirnov I. Restoration and prevention of vision in children and adults. M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2004.
17. Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies in the work of teachers and schools. M.: Arkti, 2003.
18. Tikhomirova L.F. Exercises for every day: health lessons for children 5-8 years old. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2003.
19. Trischak E. Encyclopedia of massage from A to Z. M.: Rinol, 2003.
20. Tyurin A. Self-massage. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1997
21. Encyclopedic reference book. Children's health. M.: Russian Encyclopedic Partnership, 2004.

List of literature recommended for children and parents to help them master the program:
1. Belyakova T.N. Become strong, agile and resilient.
2. Zaitsev G.K., Zaitsev A.G. Your health. Strengthening the body. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2000.
3. Kulikovskaya T.A. Tongue twisters and tongue twisters. Workshop on improving diction. M.: Publishing House Gnom i D, LLC, 2000.
4. Laptev A.K. The secret of the health pyramid. St. Petersburg: RETROS, 1998
5. Nikitin S.E., Trishin T.V. Health and beauty of your posture. M.: Sov.Sport, 2002
6. Obukhova L.A., Lemyaskina N.A. Thirty health lessons for first graders. Toolkit. M.: Sphere shopping center, 1999.
7. Ostanko L.V. One hundred fun exercises for children. St. Petersburg: Crown print, 2005
8. Savina L.P. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech in preschoolers. M.: AST, 2002
9. Tikhomirova L.F. Exercises for every day: health lessons for children 5-8 years old. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2003.

ADOPTED by the Pedagogical Council of GBDOU No. 1 Minutes No. ___ of _____2014 APPROVED Head of GBDOU No. 1 ___________ O.G. Kodaneva Order No. ____ dated _____2014 WORK PROGRAM for the provision of additional paid educational services of the State budgetary preschool educational institution of Kindergarten No. 1 of a combined type in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg For the 2014 -2015 academic year “Children’s fitness” (“Baby fitness”) 2014 Contents : Target section: Explanatory note Purpose of the program Objectives of the program Planned results of mastering the program Content section: Contents of work Forms of work Thematic plan Organizational section: List of references 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 2 Target section: 1. Explanatory note Children's fitness - This is a system of measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of the child. By the age of 6 years, a child develops a stereotype of behavior and routine. At this age he easily gets used to everything. To the fact that you need to be healthy, strong, and for this to play sports. During fitness classes, children receive regular exercise and learn to communicate with peers. Children's fitness lessons are held in the most suitable form for children - games. At the same time, they learn to interact according to the rules, and also to think about why they are doing this or that movement at the moment. Little by little, children become familiar with their bodies and learn what their arms, legs, and backs are capable of. As a rule, children themselves set the rhythm and theme of each lesson with their behavior. However, there is the necessary training - a minimum in each lesson: exercises against scoliosis, flat feet and to develop movement coordination. Fitness classes have a comprehensive effect on a child’s body, and this effect is most significant for a growing and developing organism. The development of movements has a significant impact on the formation of the corresponding brain structures. Fitness classes in childhood are a necessary condition for the formation of basic structures and functions of the body. Movements in preschool age are one of the postnatal stimuli for the development of structures and functions of the body and the development of reserve mechanisms of physiological systems that ensure the reliability of their functioning in various living conditions. In a trained body, resistance to the negative influences of the environment increases. 3 2. Purpose of the program The main purpose of the program is the comprehensive development of the child’s personality through gymnastics. Mastering the exercises of the program will help the natural development of the child’s body, create the necessary motor mode, and a positive psychological attitude in children. All this helps to strengthen the child’s health, physical and mental development. 3. Objectives of the Health Promotion program: - to promote the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system - to promote the development of the functional capabilities of the body (respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems). Development of children's psychomotor abilities: - develop muscle strength, flexibility, speed, coordination, balance. - develop dance movement skills. - promote the development of musical hearing, memory, attention. - maintain interest in physical activity. - teach vital motor skills and abilities. Development of children's creative abilities: - development of thinking - development of cognitive activity - formation of skills for independent expression of movements to music. 4 4. Planned results of mastering the program: - acquiring the ability to navigate the concepts of “fitness”, “healthy lifestyle”; - improvement of general physical fitness; - health promotion. Additional educational diagnostics are provided: - initial diagnostics (October); - final diagnostics (May). Purpose of diagnostics: Identifying the level of development of the child and the dynamics of his development in the process of mastering additional paid educational services. 5 Content section: 1. Contents of the work: Children's fitness includes the following types of classes in the following areas: 1. Fitball - gymnastics 2. Baby - dance 3. Top - Top Fitball - gymnastics - these are classes on large elastic balls. Objectives of the lesson: 1. Development of motor qualities. 2. Development and improvement of coordination of movements and balance. 3. Strengthening the muscle corset, creating correct posture. 4. improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Baby dance. Purpose of the lesson: strengthening health, harmonious development of the child’s personality. 6 Objectives of the lesson: 1. Teaching rhythmic movements in accordance with the nature of the music. 2. Promoting the creative development of the child (free dancing) 3. Consolidating acquired motor skills. Top - Top Purpose of the lesson: improving health, preventing flat feet, strengthening the muscles of the arch of the foot. 2. Forms of work: The main form of work is group classes: This program provides 4 classes per month, 32 classes per year. The duration of classes in the junior group is 15-20 minutes, in the middle group 20-25 minutes, in the senior preparatory group 25-30 minutes. The number of children in a group is no more than 15 people. The age of the participants is from 3 to 7 years. Classes are held in the gym. Basic necessary equipment for classes: fitballs, gymnastic sticks, ribbed paths, massage balls, bumps; hoops, step platforms, thin rope, small balls, etc. The use of a music center is required for classes. Music CDs are used in the classes: Children's songs, Music with mom, Get ready to exercise. Lesson structure: All classes consist of three parts: preparatory (ORU), main, final. 7 3. Thematic plan for the additional educational service “Children’s fitness” for the 2014-2015 academic year. 1. Theoretical training course: 1. Introductory lesson. Introduction to the concept of fitness. 2. Practical training course: 1. Introductory lesson. Meeting children: “Show me what you can do?” 2. Aerobics: * fabulous 2 classes * sports 3. Gymnastics * sports * breathing 4. Fitball classes 10 5. Step 1 lesson 2 2 2 5 classes 7. Choreography * dance 4 classes * sports 4 classes 8. Warm-up, cool down at each lesson for academic year Total: 32 hours 8 Organizational section: 1. Targeting of the service: additional paid educational program is addressed to children from 3 to 7 years old. 2. Recruitment conditions: Groups are formed by age. Sports uniform and sneakers with rubber soles are required for classes. 3. Terms of implementation of additional paid educational services: October 2014 - May 2015 9 4. List of references: Anisimov O. Fingers crossed/Aibolit, 2001. No. 2. G.I. Pogadaev, “Handbook for physical education teachers” - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2000-496p. Potapchuk A.A. "Therapeutic games and exercises for children." S.-P. 2007. M.A. Runova, “Motor activity of a child in kindergarten: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions, teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges.” - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2000-256p. T.A. Tarasova, “Monitoring the physical condition of preschool children: Methodological recommendations for managers and teachers of preschool educational institutions” - M.: TC Sfera, 2005-175p. Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education for preschoolers / M. GNOM and D, 2003. Firilyova Zh.E., Saikina E.G. "Fitness dance". S.-P. 2007. Shilkova I.K., Bolshev A.S. “Health-forming physical development.” M. 2001. N.A. Fomina - methodological recommendations for the program for preschoolers “Kindergarten-2100”, Internet resources. Shilkova I.K., Bolshev A.S. “Health-forming physical development.” M. 2001. Shebeko V.N. and others. Methods of physical education in preschool institutions. - Mn., 1998. 10 11

Kuznetsova Nadezhda Serafimovna
Work program "Children's fitness" for children 5–7 years old

I. Target section.

1. 1 Explanatory note.

This working programm is a regulatory and management document of an educational institution that characterizes the system of organizing the educational activities of a physical education instructor. Program« Children's fitness» (Further - Program) designed in accordance:

With Article 75 of the Federal Law “On education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012,

SanPiN dated December 29, 2012 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the regime work in preschool organizations" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia, registration number;

Federal State Educational Standards dated August 28, 2013

- Program development and education children in kindergarten« Childhood» / V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva, N. A. Notkina. SPb.: Childhood - Press, 2005;

Physical education classes Children's fitness for children 5-7 years old. / E. V. Sulim - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2015

Working programm shows how, taking into account specific conditions, educational needs and developmental characteristics children preschool age instructor creates an individual pedagogical model of education in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards for preschool education.

In the conditions of preschool education and taking into account its specifics, this system (model) represents optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of universal human values, the basis of personal culture, and the social success of a preschool child. The components of these conditions are:

Organizational conditions;

Technological conditions (principles, methods, techniques);

Material and technical conditions (developmental environment);

Socio-cultural conditions (interaction with parents, social partners of various socio-cultural institutions);

Control and diagnostic conditions.

Relevance of the selected programs.

In preschool age, the connection between physical and mental development is closer and stronger than in later periods of life. Fitness is an essential component of lifestyle and behavior children. Formative influence of various means fitness to improve systems and develop the functions of a growing organism is most manifested in preschool age. Optimal training regimen children's fitness, which contributes to the effective development of motor functions of preschool children, should be considered from quantitative and qualitative aspects. Quantitative characteristics: volume of movements performed by children in a certain calendar period, place of classes fitness in the daily routine of a preschooler. Quality characteristics: content of motor activity, level of body resistance to the negative influence of the environment. Low motor level causes deviations in physical development children, and they often become overweight, become inert, and, as a result, often get sick.

Main goal programs is to promote the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, increase the level of his physical fitness, develop motor abilities, and introduce him to systematic physical education through familiarity with the variety of modern trends fitness technologies and interest in a healthy lifestyle.

Realization of this goal programs correlates with the solution of the set tasks:

1. Wellness:

Help optimize growth and development of the musculoskeletal system.

Harmoniously develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, speed.

Promote the development of coordination abilities, balance function, vestibular stability.

Form and consolidate the skill of correct posture.

Help prevent flat feet.

Promote the development and functional improvement of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of the body.

Help improve physical performance of those involved.

Help prevent various diseases.

2. Educational:

To form among students knowledge and general ideas about physical culture, the concept of a healthy lifestyle, and modern trends children's fitness, about the modern Olympic Games, about the history of the development of cheerleading in Russia, safety rules in the classroom fitness.

To form the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to ensure life in a variety of living conditions, to enrich motor experience.

To promote the development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention, and the ability to coordinate movements with music.

To develop skills of expressiveness and plasticity of dance movements.

Instill personal and public hygiene skills (self-service, cleanliness).

3. Educational:

Develop the ability to express yourself emotionally, be free and creative in your movements.

Promote the development of communication skills (leadership, initiative, sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance).

Promote the development of imagination, thinking, cognitive activity.

Foster hard work and desire to achieve your goals.

Expand your horizons in the field of physical education, promote the development of interest and need for physical exercise.

The process of classes in fitness is subject to general laws that are equally important for solving problems of health improvement, training, development and education of the individual.

Age children involved in the implementation of this programs, from 5 to 7 years. The number of age groups may vary and depends on the demand for the service offered. Group size is from 10 to 15 people. Program is designed for one academic year from September to May inclusive.

1.2 Planned development results Programs.

Full implementation of tasks Programs allows us to expect the following results:

high level of development of basic physical qualities;

development of musical and rhythmic abilities;

reduction in morbidity.

Methods for determining them are:

fitness testing(carried out 2 times per year: at the beginning of the year - primary, at the end of the academic year - final);

morbidity monitoring (semiannually);

observation; analysis of the obtained data;

conversation with parents;

tracking further sports activities of graduates (sections, circles).

Form for summing up the results of implementation Programs is an open lesson for parents of students, photo report.

Direction "Physical development"


Under the guidance of medical personnel, carry out a set of hardening procedures using various natural factors (air, sun and water) ;

Do morning exercises every day for 8–10 minutes (Physical Culture);

(Physical Culture);

Accustom children independently organize outdoor sports games, perform sports exercises while walking, using the available physical education equipment (Physical Culture);



food (Socialization);




Expand your understanding of the functioning and integrity of the human body. Pay attention children on the characteristics of their body and health ( “I can’t eat oranges - I’m allergic.”) ;

Show the dependence of human health on proper nutrition (Socialization, Physical education, Cognition);

Give an idea of ​​the rules of patient care (take care of him, don’t make noise, fulfill his requests and instructions). Cultivate compassion for those who are sick. Learn to characterize your well-being (Socialization, Cognition);

Introduce available information from the history of the Olympic movement (Cognition);

Introduce the basics of safety precautions and rules of conduct in the gym and on the sports field (Safety).

To preserve and strengthen physical and mental health children:

To develop creativity, independence, initiative in motor actions, a conscious attitude towards them, the ability to self-control, self-esteem when performing movements. Develop interest and love for sports (Socialization, Cognition);

During activities that require high mental load, and in the intervals between classes, conduct physical education minutes (Physical Culture);

Ensure optimal physical activity children all day long using outdoor, sports, folk games and physical exercises (Socialization, Cognition);

Education of cultural and hygienic skills:

Continue to cultivate neatness and the habit of taking care of your appearance (Socialization);

Improve accurate handling skills food: take food little by little, chew well, eat quietly, use cutlery correctly (spoon, fork, napkin, rinse your mouth after eating (Socialization);

Learn to turn away when coughing and sneezing and cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief. (Safety, Socialization, Physical Education, Cognition);

Strengthen the ability to quickly, neatly dress and undress, maintain order in your closet (put clothes in certain places, neatly make your bed (Socialization);

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy image life:

Continue introducing children with the structural features and functions of the human body (Physical Culture);

Expand ideas about rational nutrition (volume of food, sequence of its intake, variety in diet, drinking regime) (Physical Culture);

To form ideas about the importance of physical activity in human life. Learn to use special physical exercises to strengthen your organs and systems. Teach active recreation (Physical Culture);

Expand ideas about the role of sunlight, air and water in human life and their impact on physical education (Physical Education, Cognition);

For the development of physical qualities, accumulation and enrichment of motor experience

Form the need for daily physical activity (Health);

Strengthen the ability to quickly rearrange on the spot and while moving, align in a column, line, circle, perform exercises rhythmically, at the pace indicated by the teacher (Socialization);

Continue to exercise children in static and dynamic balance, develop coordination of movements and orientation in space (Health, Cognition);

Formation of the need for physical activity and physical improvement

Strengthen the ability to come up with game options, combine movements, showing creativity. Strengthen the ability to independently organize outdoor games, invent your own games (Health, Cognition);

Develop interest in sports games and exercises (small towns, badminton, basketball, table tennis, hockey, football) (Health, Cognition);

2.2. Forward planning

2.3 Interaction with families of pupils.

Educational area "Health"

Explain to parents how the family’s lifestyle affects the child’s health.

Inform parents about factors affecting the child’s physical health (calm communication, nutrition, hardening, movement). Talk about the effects of negative factors (hypothermia, overheating, overfeeding, etc., which cause irreparable harm to the baby’s health. Help parents maintain and strengthen the child’s physical and mental health.

Encourage parents to read literature with their child on preserving and promoting health, and watch relevant feature films and animated films.

Introduce parents to health-improving activities carried out in kindergarten. Explain the importance of children visiting sections and studios aimed at improving the health of preschoolers. Together with parents and with the participation of medical and psychological services children's garden to create individual children's health programs and support the family in their implementation.

Educational area "Physical Culture"

Explain to parents (by completing the appropriate section in "corner for parents", at parent meetings, in personal conversations, recommending relevant literature) the need to create in the family the prerequisites for the full physical development of the child.

To orient parents towards developing a positive attitude towards physical education and sports in their child; the habit of doing morning exercises every day (this is best done by personal example or through joint morning exercises); stimulating the child’s physical activity through joint sports activities (skiing, skating, fitness, joint outdoor games, long walks in the park or forest; creating a sports corner at home; buying sports equipment for your child (ball, jump rope, skis, skates, bicycle, scooter, etc.); joint reading of literature on sports; watching relevant feature and animated films.

III.Organizational section.

3.1 Features of traditional preschool activities.

Characteristics of the forms of classes used in program

Form of conducting classes with children

1. Dancing games (St. John's wort) This form of exercise helps to increase the emotional background children, development of attention and imagination It involves the use of free movements performed to musical accompaniment.

2. Sports dancing This form of exercise forms and develops motor skills children. Involves the use of various items: balls, jump ropes, pom-poms, hoops, ribbons.

3. Fitball-gymnastics This form involves the use of special balls - fitballs. Fitball gymnastics always takes place on a heightened emotional level children, which is an effective method of motivating them. During such classes, a whole complex of tasks: - development of motor skills; - training in basic motor actions; - development and improvement of coordination of movements; - strengthening the muscle corset; - improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; - normalization nervous system functioning, - stimulation of neuropsychic development; - improving blood supply to the spine, joints and internal organs; - elimination of venous stagnation; - improvement of communication and emotional-volitional sphere; - stimulation of the development of analytical systems, development of fine motor skills and speech; - adaptation of the body to physical activity.

4. Rhythmic gymnastics with elements of aerobics A publicly accessible, highly effective, emotional type of health-improving gymnastics. Rhythmic gymnastics classes attract not only their accessibility, but also the ability to change the content depending on age, interests, health and level of motor fitness thanks to a large arsenal of tools and methods. Several groups are used in rhythmic gymnastics exercises: drills, exercises for coordinating movements with music, general developmental, dance, exercises in rhythmic gymnastics and recreational types of gymnastics, as well as basic and basic aerobics steps.

5. Stretching Stretching is aimed at activating the body's defenses, developing plasticity, muscle freedom, rhythm, auditory attention and memory, i.e., the creative and health-improving capabilities of the body, and reducing emotional and mental stress. Stretching includes dynamic and static loads in a playful way. It is the game that maintains keen interest in the activity. Game stretching exercises are imitative in nature. By the age of 5, a child develops visual-figurative thinking, which allows him to perform imitative movements with greater efficiency. Sets of game stretching exercises are carried out in the form of a plot-role-playing or thematic game, consisting of interconnected game situations, tasks, exercises, selected in such a way as to facilitate the solution of health-improving and developmental tasks. The method of analogy with the animal and plant world is widely used (image, pose, motor imitation, method of theatricalization,

6. Game self-massage, massage in pairs This form of exercise contributes to the formation of a conscious desire for health in the child.

The methodology of conducting classes involves constantly creating situations of success, joy from overcoming difficulties in mastering the material being studied and when performing creative activities. works.

Children's fitness program involves a group form of organizing activities; if necessary, the group can be divided into subgroups. Organized activities for additional education are carried out in the gym and meet all hygienic requirements. The main form of implementation is organized activity. The structure of any organized physical education activity includes three parts: preparatory, main and final.

In the preparatory part, the initial organization of students is carried out, focusing their attention, setting their emotional and psychological mood. Problems of functional training of the body are solved children for upcoming work in the main part of the activity. This is achieved with the help of drill exercises, special exercises for coordinating movements and music, various types of walking and running, musical games, general developmental exercises and other means that meet the objectives of this part of the lesson. In the process of performing various exercises, specific treatment and prophylactic problems can be solved. The preparatory part, depending on the tasks assigned, takes 4-5 minutes of the total time.

The main part takes up most of the time and lasts 15-20 minutes. It solves problems of general and special orientation by means of dance, learns special correction exercises, improves the technique and style of their implementation, and works out the coordination of movements with music. IN work Both sets of general developmental exercises with a specific therapeutic focus, a series of dance exercises, and entire compositions, that is, groups of exercises united by a single semantic meaning and solving specific problems, can be used. The structure of the main part may vary depending from: - repeatability of exercises, alternating them in different starting positions (standing, sitting, in support, lying down), - focus (on correction of the spine, foot, balance, coordination of movements, etc.) - separate effects on muscles (arms, neck, legs, etc.).

In the final part, the tasks of restoring the body’s strength are solved. children after physical activity. It takes 5-7 minutes. The load here should be significantly reduced by reducing the number of exercises, their repetition, nature and motor actions. Such exercises include calm walking, exercises in stretching and relaxing muscles, both individual parts of the body and the entire body in a standing, sitting, lying or hanging position, elements of self-massage of those muscles to which a large load was directed, calm musical games or creative tasks, low-intensity dance movements or improvisation

Techniques and methods for organizing educational activities in children's fitness

Game method (dramatization, theatricalization, game rhythms, game gymnastics, dance, musical rhythmic gymnastics);

The comparison method is a visual demonstration of examples of correct and incorrect performance skills;

Method of sound and spatial references;

Visual and auditory demonstration method;

Method of active improvisation;

Method of communicative competition;

Exercise method (multiple repetitions of musical, rhythmic and dance movements).

Monitoring of pupils’ mastery of additional developmental activities programs« Children's fitness»


1. Demonstrates motor abilities

2. Performs game stretching exercises

3. Performs gymnastic and dance routines programs

4. Performs breathing and eye exercises, self-massage, relaxation exercises

5. Shows independence, creative initiative, and knows how to improvise

In the process of monitoring activities children a conclusion is made that the students have achieved the planned results (indicators) development programs:

3 points – performs independently with minimal supervision (help) adult

2 points – performs independently, when reminded by an adult

1 point – performs individual movements (elements) independently, the main ones - in joint activities with an adult

3.3 Organization of the subject-spatial environment.

Room: gym.

Materials (equipment): balls "fitballs" different diameters, dumbbells, soft modules, step platforms, pompoms, exercise machines, jump ropes, hoops, massagers, mats, spiked balls of different sizes; ribbed and prickly paths; ribbons; handkerchiefs; checkboxes; skittles; gymnastic sticks; "health paths". Card index of exercise complexes with general developmental effects; card index of special impact complexes; audio library for music accompaniment



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