Rotation of a person around its axis. Rotation around its axis when raising the shoulders. An ancient Tibetan exercise for instantly restoring vital energy. What does this meditation give?

Rotation of a person around its axis. Rotation around its axis when raising the shoulders. An ancient Tibetan exercise for instantly restoring vital energy. What does this meditation give?

Update: October 2018

The human body is a complex mechanism, where each part of the body combines different tissues, generously intertwined with vessels and nerves of different calibers at the same time. In some areas there are more nerves, in others there may be none at all.

One nerve fiber can carry information from nearby, but nevertheless different tissues (for example, from the joint capsule and the muscles that move it). In addition, there are nerves that are of sufficient length. They consist of fibers coming from the underlying and overlying organs. So they carry information about sensations (this is what sensory nerve fibers do) from organs located far from each other and not interconnected.

Why this lyrical digression? It is directly related to your question – what may cause pain in the shoulder joint. This symptom most often accompanies diseases of the structures of the joint itself and the muscles that are responsible for movements in it. But the causes of pain may also lie in the pathology of internal organs. Large nerve fibers carry information about the sensitivity of both the shoulder girdle and, at the same time, the gallbladder (then it will hurt on the right), the heart (the pain is localized on the left), the diaphragm (it can hurt on both sides).


Below we will return to individual details of the anatomy. Now we'll tell you briefly.

The shoulder joint is the most mobile. It provides movement in any direction. Thus, the arm can be moved away from the body to the side and up, brought towards it, raised up, placed behind the head or behind the back, rotated (as movement around its own axis is called) when bent at the elbow.

High mobility is determined by the shape of the joint, which is called spherical. Here the humerus ends in an almost complete “ball”, and it comes into contact with an almost flat “platform” on the side of the scapula (it is called the glenoid cavity). If this articular area were not surrounded on all sides by cartilage tissue, the head of the humerus would “fly out” of the joint with every movement. But this articular “lip,” as well as the ligaments abundantly entwining the articulation of the bones, hold the shoulder in place.

The joint capsule is a tissue formation similar in structure to the ligamentous apparatus. This structure “wraps” each joint, allowing circulation within this enclosed space. The peculiarity of the capsule of this particular joint is that it is wide, creating space for an abundance of movements performed in the joint.

Since the joint makes a lot of movements, it must be surrounded by a large number of muscles, whose fibers will go in different directions and attach their ends to different sides of the humerus, and to the chest, and to the scapula, and to the collarbone. The latter, although not considered part of the shoulder joint, is directly involved in its activity, being an additional support for the humerus rotating in all directions.

The muscles attach to the humerus and radiate from it in different directions. They form the rotator cuff:

  • the deltoid muscle is responsible for shoulder abduction;
  • subscapularis – for inward rotation of the shoulder;
  • supraspinatus - for lifting and abduction to the side;
  • teres minor and infraspinatus – rotate the shoulder outward.

There are other muscles, such as the biceps, whose tendon runs inside the joint. Which of them is inflamed can be indirectly judged by which movement is impaired or causes pain (for example, pain that appears when you raise your arm indicates inflammation of the supraspinatus muscle).

All these structures - muscles, ligaments, articular cartilage and capsule - are penetrated by sensory nerves that carry a sensation of pain to the brain if any of the tissues develop inflammation, stretch or rupture.

Here, motor fibers pass from the spine - they carry a command to the muscles to move the limb in one direction or another. If they become pinched between bone or other structures, pain also occurs.

Please note that medical workers refer to the upper third of the arm as the “shoulder” – from the shoulder to the elbow joint. The area from the neck to the shoulder joint is called in medicine the “shoulder girdle” and, together with the structures surrounding the shoulder blade and collarbone, makes up the shoulder girdle.

Why does the shoulder joint hurt?

The causes of pain in the shoulder joint are conventionally divided into 2 groups:

  1. Pathologies associated with the joint itself and surrounding ligaments, tendons or muscles. This includes inflammation of the capsule, rotator cuff muscle, joint capsule, cartilage on articulating bones, muscles, tendons or the entire joint, and some non-inflammatory diseases of these same structures.
  2. Pathologies with extra-articular localization. This group includes inflammation of the sensitive nerve fiber (neuritis) or the entire large nerve that is part of the brachial plexus (plexitis), chest disease, heart disease or digestive tract, whose inflammation or swelling “radiates” to the shoulder area.

Let us consider each of the causes of pain in detail, starting with the first group of pathologies.

Tendinitis (inflammation of a muscle tendon)

Since, as we said, the shoulder joint is surrounded by many muscles, which are attached here with their tendons, therefore, tendinitis can have different localizations. The symptoms of the disease will depend on this.

Common features of any tendonitis are:

  • occur most often in those who perform stereotypical shoulder movements (athletes, loaders);
  • the pain can be sharp, dull or aching;
  • most often the pain in the shoulder area is sharp and occurs for no apparent reason;
  • hurts more at night;
  • the mobility of the arm decreases (that is, it becomes difficult to abduct, bend, or lift it).

Supraspinatus tendinitis

This is a muscle that is located at the top of the shoulder blade and along a short path reaches the outer part of the humeral head. Its tendon becomes inflamed most often due to injury or if there is chronic inflammation of the bursa lying under the acromion process of the scapula.

Here, the pain in the shoulder either increases or decreases - intermittently. Maximum pain is observed if you move your arm to the side by 60-120 degrees. It will also hurt if you press on the shoulder or pat it.

A complication of untreated tendonitis is incomplete rupture of this tendon.

Biceps tendonitis

This muscle, which is more often called the biceps (the word “biceps” is translated from Latin as “biceps muscle”), performs flexion in the shoulder and elbow joints, it makes it possible to turn the hands with the palms facing up.

Symptoms of this tendonitis:

  • recurring pain along the front surface of the shoulder, often radiating down the arm;
  • no pain at rest;
  • it hurts to bend your arm at the shoulder and elbow;
  • pressure on the forearm (the area from the elbow joint to the hand) is painful;
  • you can find a point in the area of ​​the head of the humerus, palpation of which causes sharp pain.

This tendinitis can be complicated by a complete rupture or subluxation of the tendon. The last condition is when the tendon slips out of the groove on the surface of the bone in which it should lie.

Infraspinatus tendonitis

This is a disease of athletes and heavy physical labor workers. It does not have pronounced symptoms. Only pain when rotating the entire limb, if you put pressure on the shoulder joint. Such pain is localized not only in the shoulder, but also spreads along the back of the arm to the elbow, and sometimes lower - to the fingers.

A complication of this untreated condition is complete rupture of the tendon.

Rotator cuff inflammation

Here, pain in the shoulder joint is detected when raising the arm up (when you need to reach something or when stretching).

This happens on the second day after a person has worked intensively with his hands, especially if he has not had to do such work before (for example, whitewashing a ceiling). The pain is sharp, severe, and goes away when you lower your arm. At rest it doesn't bother me.

If you conduct an X-ray examination of the shoulder joint, the radiologist will say that he does not see any pathology. The diagnosis can only be made by a traumatologist or sports medicine doctor.

Inflammation of the joint capsule (bursitis) and inflammation of the joint capsule together with adjacent tendons (tenobursitis)

Here, the pain in the shoulder joint is acute, occurs for no apparent reason, limits any movements of the arm, and does not allow a stranger (for example, a doctor) to make passive movements with the affected arm.

Capsulitis (inflammation of the joint capsule)

This condition is rare, so you should think about it last, excluding more serious diseases such as arthritis, rupture of joint ligaments or radiating pain in diseases of the abdominal organs.

Patients with capsulitis of the shoulder joint are more likely to suffer from women 40-50 years old who had to lie down for a long time without moving their arm fully.

Inflammation develops gradually, unnoticed by humans. At some point, he notices that it has become too difficult (like a feeling of “numbness”) to perform the usual movement with his hand, which requires lifting it up or placing it behind his back. So, it becomes painful, for example, to play a musical instrument or manage a bra clasp. This symptom is called “frozen shoulder.”

Arthritis – inflammation of the internal structures of the joint

The disease develops due to:

  • contact of the joint with infected tissues;
  • penetrating injury with an infected object or surgery with non-sterile instruments;
  • bacteria entering the joint through the bloodstream;
  • rheumatism caused by the bacterium streptococcus (usually develops after a sore throat or glomerulonephritis);
  • hemorrhages due to diseases of the blood coagulation system, when blood that gets into the joint cavity then suppurates;
  • joint injuries with subsequent development of inflammation and suppuration;
  • metabolic diseases (for example), when the joint is irritated by uric acid salts that enter it;
  • allergies to substances that have entered the body (often this reaction occurs as a response to the injection of protein drugs into a vein or muscle: serums, antitoxins, vaccines);
  • autoimmune damage, when the body considers the proteins of the joint to be foreign and begins to produce antibodies against them (this happens with).

If arthritis is not caused by injury, it may be bilateral.

Arthritis symptoms cannot be ignored. This:

  • severe pain in the shoulder joint;
  • it does not go away at rest, but intensifies with movement, especially when trying to put your hand behind your head, lift it up or move it to the side;
  • pain increases with palpation (palpation by a doctor) or lightly touching the joint;
  • it is impossible to raise the arm above a conventional line drawn horizontally through the axis of the shoulder joint (that is, above the shoulder girdle);
  • the joint is deformed due to swelling;
  • the joint may become hot to the touch;
  • body temperature rises.

Arthrosis – non-inflammatory damage to joint tissues

This pathology is associated with the development of changes in the articular cartilage lining the head of the humerus or the scapular articular surface. It develops most often as a result of frequent arthritis, as well as in older people - due to disruption of the normal blood supply to the joint structures.

Symptoms of arthrosis are as follows:

  • acute pain in the shoulder, which occurs with any movement of the arm, but goes away with rest;
  • maximum pain - when lifting weights with this hand;
  • it hurts when you touch the collarbone and the bottom of the shoulder blade;
  • Poor mobility in the joint gradually develops: it no longer hurts, but it is impossible to raise your arm or throw your arm behind your back;
  • When moving, a crunching or noise is heard in the shoulder.

Shoulder injuries

Pain that appears in the shoulder after a blow to this area, a fall on the side, lifting heavy objects, or a sudden or unnatural movement of the arm indicates that the person has injured the shoulder joint itself or the surrounding ligaments or tendons.

If there is only pain in the shoulder, its motor function is not impaired, we are talking about a bruise of the periarticular tissues. If, after an injury, there is pain in the shoulder to the elbow, the arm hurts, or it is impossible to move at all because of the pain, there may be a tendon rupture or muscle damage - only a traumatologist can distinguish between these conditions.

Deformation of the joint after an injury with the inability to move the arm normally indicates a dislocation. If active movements are impossible, you can only passively (with the help of the other hand or when a third party does this) make movements with this limb, while a crunch or some kind of movement may be felt under the skin if the area of ​​the joint itself or below it is swollen, before it It hurts to touch, then most likely a fracture has occurred.

Deposition of calcium salts in tendon or ligament tissues

This condition – calcification of the soft tissues of the joint – can develop in a person over 30 years of age due to deterioration of metabolic processes. Before this age, calcification occurs in a person suffering from diseases of the parathyroid glands, in which calcium metabolism is impaired.

The symptoms of this pathology are as follows:

  • shoulder pain is constant;
  • does not disappear at rest;
  • intensifies when raising the arm or moving it to the side;
  • its intensity increases over time.

Spinal diseases

Pathologies in the area of ​​4-7 vertebrae of the cervical spine, be it:

  1. uncomplicated osteochondrosis;
  2. herniated intervertebral discs;
  3. displacement of one vertebra relative to another (spondylolisthesis);
  4. inflammation of the vertebral bodies (spondylitis);
  5. subluxations or fracture-dislocations of the vertebrae

will manifest as pain in the shoulder joint.

Dislocations and fracture-dislocations appear after injury. Spondylitis most often appears against the background of tuberculosis, the manifestation of which was a dry cough, malaise, sweating, and low fever.

The most common spinal disease that causes shoulder pain is osteochondrosis. This is a condition when the cartilage formation located between the vertebrae (intervertebral disc) along the periphery becomes thinner, and its central jelly-like section shifts towards the spinal canal. When such a nucleus or the remaining “exposed” vertebrae compress the root of the fourth, fifth or sixth cervical spinal nerve, shoulder pain occurs.

Spinal diseases are characterized by the following:

  • pain occurs in the shoulder and arm: it spreads from the shoulder joint to the elbow, and sometimes to the hand;
  • worsens when turning and tilting the head;
  • along with the pain, the sensitivity of the hand is impaired: it freezes or, conversely, feels hot;
  • According to the patient, numbness or tingling is observed.

Osteochondrosis is often complicated by glenohumeral periarthritis, when the tendons of the muscles that move the shoulder, as well as the capsule and ligaments of this joint become inflamed. Periarthritis can also occur with shoulder injuries or reactive inflammation as a result of a chronic infectious process in the body (tonsillitis, inflammation of the kidneys or bronchi)

Here's shoulder pain:

  • appears suddenly, for no apparent reason;
  • increases gradually;
  • occurs at night;
  • intensifies when raising the arm, as well as attempts to put it behind the back, lay it behind the head or move it to the side;
  • during the day, at rest, the pain subsides;
  • pain is localized in the shoulders and neck ;
  • after a few months, even without treatment, the pain goes away, but the joint loses mobility: it becomes impossible to raise the arm above the horizontal line or move it behind the back.

Brachial neuritis

Here the shoulder joint experiences pain, being in perfect condition along with the surrounding tissues. The pathology is characterized by the appearance of a “lumbago” in the shoulder, after which acute pain remains. It intensifies when you move your hand.

Brachial plexitis

With this pathology, one, two or three large nerve trunks are affected, passing just below the collarbone. They carry commands to the neck, arm and collect information about sensations from there.

Pathology develops after:

  • injuries: collarbone fracture, sprain or dislocation of the shoulder joint;
  • birth trauma - in a newborn baby;
  • long-term stay in a forced position: during a complex and lengthy operation on the chest or abdominal organs, with special features of professional activity that require a long position with the arm abducted or raised;
  • vibrations;
  • wearing crutches;
  • general infectious disease (diseases caused by viruses of the herpetic group are especially capable of this: mononucleosis, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, chicken pox);
  • hypothermia of the shoulder area;
  • as a result of disruption of metabolic processes in the body: with, gout).

The disease requires urgent assistance and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain radiating to the shoulder, but localized in the area above or below the collarbone;
  • intensifies when pressing on the area below the collarbone;
  • becomes stronger when moving the hand;
  • characterized as shooting, aching, boring or aching;
  • may feel like pain in the shoulders and neck;
  • the hand loses sensitivity on the inside (where the little finger is);
  • the hand turns pale and may even acquire a bluish color;
  • the hand may swell;
  • “goosebumps” that “run” along the inside of the arm, but more in the lower part;
  • the hand does not feel hot/cold or pain.

Other reasons

The symptom, more often described as pain in the shoulder muscles, less often as pain in the shoulder or shoulder joint, can occur not only with bursitis, inflammation of the tendons, glenohumeral periarthritis, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis. There are also other diseases and conditions:

  1. narrowing syndrome (impingement syndrome);
  2. cervicobrachial plexopathy;
  3. myofascial syndrome;
  4. myelopathy.

There are no subjective symptoms characteristic of these diseases. The diagnosis is made by a doctor - mainly a neurologist, but consultation with a rheumatologist or traumatologist may be necessary.

Referred pain

Pain may radiate to the shoulder due to diseases of the internal organs:

  1. Angina pectoris is a condition when the heart suffers as a result of insufficient oxygen supply to it. Here the pain will be localized behind the sternum and at the same time in the left shoulder joint. It occurs against the background of physical activity of any nature, be it walking against the wind, lifting weights or climbing stairs; it does not necessarily have to be a movement with the left hand. The pain goes away with rest. May be accompanied by a feeling of interruptions in the functioning of the heart. .
  2. Manifests itself in a similar way to angina myocardial infarction. But here the main symptom - even if the area of ​​death of the heart muscle is small - is a violation of the general condition. This is a violation of the heart rhythm, sticky sweat, trembling, fear, and possibly loss of consciousness. The pain is very severe and requires seeking emergency medical help. .
  3. Pain in the shoulders and shoulder blades is characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, the pain is severe, radiating to the upper half of the abdomen, accompanied by nausea, loose stools, and fever.
  4. If the pain syndrome affects the right shoulder and shoulder blade, this may mean the development of cholecystitis - acute or exacerbation of chronic. In this case, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, and fever are usually noted.
  5. Upper lobe pneumonia may also be accompanied by pain in the shoulder from the affected lung. In this case, there is a feeling of weakness, lack of air, cough - dry or wet. The temperature often rises.
  6. Polymyalgia rheumatica. If pain in the shoulder appeared after a person had a sore throat or, especially if before that there was an increase and pain in the knee joint, most likely he developed a complication - rheumatism. And pain in the shoulder is one of the manifestations of this disease.
  7. Tumors of chest tissue. For example, cancer of the apex of the lung, which will cause pain in the shoulder and between the shoulder blades.

Shoulder pain by location

Let's look at the characteristics of pain that can develop in any shoulder joint:

When it hurts What is this
When raising your arm forward or moving it to the side Supraspinatus tendinitis
When rotating the hand around its axis towards the thumb, if the elbow is pressed to the body Infraspinatus tendonitis
When the arm rotates at the shoulder around its axis towards the little finger, when the elbow is pressed to the body The muscles in the subscapular region are inflamed
  • Pain in the front of the arm when the forearm rotates towards the little finger
  • It hurts to open the door with a key
  • Shoulder pain worsens when lifting loads
  • Shoulder hurts when bending elbow
  • Pain shoots from elbow to shoulder
Inflammation of the biceps tendon
The joint hurts with any movement. Pain worsens when turning the head or moving the neck Inflamed joint capsule
It only hurts when lifting heavy objects, even small ones. Inflamed deltoid tendon
Pain when moving arms back Tendinitis or sprain of the supraspinatus tendon
Shoulder hurts if you raise your arm vertically Arthritis or arthrosis of a small joint between the process of the scapula and the collarbone, when the muscles surrounding it become inflamed
The shoulder hurts when trying to comb your hair, style your hair, put your hands behind your head, or turn them around an axis towards the thumb Stretched infraspinatus or teres minor tendon
The pain is aching and appears only when placing your hands behind your back or when trying to take an object out of your back pocket. It hurts to lie your hand towards the little finger The subscapularis tendon is injured (stretched or inflamed)
Shoulder and neck pain
  • arthritis
  • osteochondrosis
  • myalgia
  • plexitis of the shoulder joint
  • arthrosis
  • arthritis
Shoulder and arm pain
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • tendinitis
  • bursitis
  • glenohumeral periarthritis
Pain from elbow to shoulder
  • Humeroscapular periarthritis
  • osteochondrosis
  • bursitis
  • inflammation of the cartilage tissue of the elbow joint (epicondylitis or “tennis elbow”, “golfer’s elbow”)
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • elbow dislocations
  • arthritis or arthrosis of the shoulder joint
  • gouty arthritis of the shoulder joint
Shoulder and back pain This indicates muscle spasm due to prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position, the same type of muscle work, hypothermia, and compartment syndrome.
Shoulder and collarbone pain
  • Clavicle fracture
  • pinching and inflammation of the spinal nerve roots
  • brachial plexus neuralgia
  • glenohumeral periarthritis

If your right shoulder hurts

Pain in the right shoulder is typical for:

  1. bursitis;
  2. biceps tendonitis;
  3. joint injuries;
  4. calcification of periarticular tissues;
  5. humeroscapular periarthritis;
  6. right-sided pneumonia;
  7. exacerbation of cholelithiasis.

The following signs indicate damage to the right shoulder joint, not muscle tissue:

  • the pain is constant;
  • Pain at rest, worsens with movement;
  • diffuse pain;
  • all movements without exception are limited;
  • enlargement of the joint is visible.

Left shoulder hurts

This is a more dangerous localization of the symptom: pain in the left shoulder may be accompanied by myocardial infarction. It may even be that besides this symptom, a heart attack has no other signs, only sudden fear and a sharp “break into a sweat.”

Pain in the left shoulder may also indicate another heart pathology – angina pectoris. Then this symptom accompanies physical activity, walking against the wind (especially cold) and climbing stairs. The pain usually disappears with rest and is relieved by taking nitroglycerin.

Pain in the left shoulder occurs when:

  • shoulder periarthritis;
  • tendon calcification;
  • impingement syndrome;
  • spinal nerve root entrapment
  • shoulder joint injuries;
  • shoulder tumors.

Diagnosis depending on pain intensity

Let's consider what disease can cause this or that subjective characteristic of shoulder pain.

Strong pain

This is how the pain is described:

  1. Shoulder tendon sprain. Then the person remembers that the day before he carried heavy weights or could sleep in an uncomfortable position.
  2. Shoulder dislocation. In this case, you can also remember an episode when someone pulled your hand or had to grab a moving object.
  3. A fracture of the humerus will also be accompanied by severe pain in the shoulder area. But here, too, trauma is noted at the beginning of the disease.
  4. Arthritis. In this case, the joint turns red, becomes deformed, and is very painful to touch.
  5. Bursitis. The pain occurs suddenly and prevents either the person or the examining doctor from moving the arm.
  6. Tendinitis. The pathology manifests itself as pain when performing various movements, which depends on which tendon is inflamed. The symptoms of major tendonitis are described above.
  7. Intervertebral hernia. At the same time, the pain is not only in the shoulder, but also in the neck and face. The hand is freezing, “goosebumps” run over it, it does not feel cold or warmth well.
  8. Diseases of the lungs, liver or spleen. They are described above.

Sharp pain

If pain in the shoulder muscles can be described as sharp, this may indicate the development of a neurological disease such as idiopathic brachial plexopathy. The cause of this pathology is unknown. There is an opinion that it is inherited, but more often its appearance is provoked by vaccination. This disease is characterized by the fact that on one side the short branches coming from the brachial plexus become inflamed. It usually develops between 20 and 40 years of age.

Here the pain occurs in one shoulder, suddenly, and has a sharp character. Not only the shoulder hurts, but also the shoulder girdle. This continues for several days, then goes away. Muscle weakness appears: it becomes difficult to raise your arm, put it behind your back, turn the key in the door and comb your hair.

Also, sharp pain in the shoulder will be accompanied by other diseases:

  • sprain or rupture of ligaments, fracture - if this pain was preceded by injury;
  • arthrosis: pain accompanies any movement, accompanied by a crunching sound;
  • glenohumeral periarthritis. Pain occurs at night, gradually intensifies, worsens with pain;
  • disease of internal organs: hepatitis, cholecystitis, pneumonia, myocardial infarction.
  • Blunt pain

    They describe it this way:

    • tendinitis. In this case, the pain intensifies with movement;
    • glenohumeral periarthritis. Pain also has a connection with movement;
    • diseases of the abdominal organs;
    • strangulation of the intervertebral hernia of the lower cervical or upper thoracic region;
    • myocardial infarction.

    Burning pain

    A syndrome with such characteristics is inherent in spinal diseases. Here the pain increases with active movements of the arm, but if the limb is fixed, the pain goes away.

    In addition to the pain, the sensitivity of the hand is impaired, and “goosebumps” periodically run across it. Upper limb muscle strength decreases. She may be getting cold.

    Shooting pain

    This pain is characteristic of inflammation of the spinal nerve root, which can occur with osteochondrosis, spondylosis and spinal injuries.

    Pain with numbness in the arm

    This symptom is accompanied by:

    • glenohumeral periarthritis;
    • intervertebral hernia;
    • chest tumors;
    • bursitis;
    • shoulder dislocation.

    What to do if you have shoulder pain

    In order to treat pain in the shoulder joint of the arm correctly, you need to determine its cause. They begin first with a consultation with a therapist, whose examination is aimed at excluding life-threatening pathologies, such as myocardial infarction, acute cholecystitis, pneumonia, and angina. If the doctor confirms suspicions of internal diseases, he either refers to the appropriate specialist (surgeon, gastroenterologist, cardiologist), or writes out a referral for hospitalization in a multidisciplinary hospital.

    If a life-threatening pathology is excluded, the person is recommended to consult an orthopedic traumatologist. This specialist will check the movement along each of the axes of the limb and palpate the joint. He may prescribe the following types of research:

    • X-ray of the joint: it will show bone pathology: fracture, dislocation, fracture-dislocation;
    • radiography of the cervical and thoracic spine;
    • Ultrasound of the joint, which will reveal muscle inflammation, rupture or sprain of ligaments and tendons, and the presence of inflammatory fluid in the joint;
    • CT scan of the joint or spine - if the x-ray did not provide comprehensive information.

    If the orthopedist excludes pathology of the musculoskeletal system, he refers to a neurologist. This specialist checks sensitivity, reflexes, and if he thinks about a pathology of a neurological nature, then to clarify the diagnosis he focuses on the data of such studies:

    • CT scan of the lower cervical and upper thoracic spine;
    • electromyography;
    • Ultrasound with Dopplerography of large vessels of the head, neck, upper limb.

    Treatment for shoulder pain depends on the diagnosis. Before arriving or visiting a doctor, you can only take painkillers:

    1. in the form of an ointment or gel: “” (“Voltaren”), “Ibufen”, “DIP”;
    2. only on the area of ​​the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues;
    3. only if pain is associated with movement.

    You cannot relieve your own pain immediately before visiting a specialist: this way, the doctor will not be able to determine the cause or refer you to the diagnostic method that is needed in the first place.

    If there is a connection between pain and a certain movement of the arm, you also need to immobilize (immobilize) the affected limb by bending it at the elbow and bringing it towards the body. In that case, before you see an orthopedic doctor or neurologist, you can take painkillers in the form of tablets: Analgin, Diclofenac.

    If joint pain occurs after an injury or training, the above rules for immobilization and taking painkillers also apply here. First aid is supplemented by applying to the sore joint:

    • on the first day - ice: for 15-20 minutes every 3 hours;
    • from the second day - dry heat (warming with a blue lamp or) - 3 times a day, 20 minutes each.

    You cannot take any folk remedies, perform shoulder massage or exercise therapy on your own – before consulting a therapist. All this is prescribed by a specialist.

    Types of dizziness

    There is, perhaps, no person who would not experience dizziness. There are different types of dizziness, but it manifests itself in different people in different ways: some experience internal tremors or are thrown in one direction or another, others complain of an unsteady gait and the inability to maintain balance.

    But most often, with dizziness, the illusion of violent rotation occurs: either the surrounding objects “rotate”, or the person seems to feel the rotation of his body. Sometimes, during dizziness, the vision becomes dark, nausea, vomiting, and palpitations appear, and the person stops orienting himself in space.

    Dizziness can suddenly occur in completely healthy people on a swing, while climbing to a great height (while looking down), or while watching fast moving objects.

    Some people complain that they feel dizzy in a car, plane, or on a boat.
    This type of dizziness is called seasickness. It passes quickly as soon as a person enters a different environment and does not pose a health hazard. Those suffering from such dizziness can get rid of it with appropriate training. The state of higher nervous activity is of great importance in the occurrence of seasickness.

    It is characteristic that in people who once traveled by sea and suffered from seasickness, signs of it appear already at the moment of entering the ship along the ladder or with one memory of the upcoming voyage. Their health may worsen due to nervous tension, the smell of lubricating oils, and gasoline vapors. It is also interesting to note that people who suffer from severe seasickness on a ship or on an airplane immediately recover when a danger signal is given.

    To prevent seasickness people predisposed to it are recommended to train on swings and carousels. Useful systematic exercises included in the complex of morning exercises, and especially those in which you need to tilt your head forward, tilt it back, and turn it to the sides. As a result of such training, the symptoms of seasickness gradually disappear.

    You should not travel by ship, plane or car on an empty stomach, but 1%-2 hours before the start of the trip you should eat a little and under no circumstances take alcohol into your mouth. Seats on an airplane and a car should be taken closer to the front, and on a ship - to the middle part. When traveling, it is not recommended to look out of windows for a long time; It's good to have something to distract yourself with. If possible, you need to lie down more. As for medications, it is recommended to take nautizan, or vazano, or aeron an hour before travel. For nausea, validol has a beneficial effect - 6-8 drops with water or sugar.

    But there are people who experience persistent, often painful dizziness very often and for no apparent reason. It can be caused by diseases of the central nervous system, ears, anemia, poisoning, overwork, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

    Why does the feeling of dizziness occur and how to eliminate it?

    Most often, the appearance of dizziness is associated with congenital hypersensitivity (as is observed with seasickness) or with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. The vestibular apparatus gets its name from the Latin word “vestibulum” - vestibule. It is located in the inner ear, which is a complex labyrinth of numerous passages and canals. It is possible to distinguish semicircular canals located at an angle to each other in mutually perpendicular planes. These channels, together with the central part of the inner ear, are collectively called the “labyrinth”.

    Inside the bone labyrinth there is a thin film. It seems to float in a liquid that fills the entire space of the inner ear cavity. Special nerve cells are located in the semicircular canals and the vestibule of the labyrinth. Each of them has a nerve fiber attached to it. When joined together, these fibers form vestibular nerve, associated with many areas of the brain. Therefore, impulses from painfully altered nerve cells of the labyrinth can not only disrupt balance, but also cause increased blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, palpitations.

    The nerve cells of the vestibule and semicircular canals differ from each other in their structure. On the nerve cells of the vestibule there are otoliths - ear pebbles; in the semicircular canals there are none. At. movement of the head, the nerve cells of the vestibule are irritated by the action of moving otoliths, and the nerve cells of the semicircular canals are irritated by the movement of the fluid washing them. These irritations cause nerve impulses that are transmitted along the cranial nerve to the cerebral cortex, and from there to the muscles, internal organs and eyes.

    Scientists have found that the nerve cells of the vestibule, which together with the ear pebbles are called the otolith apparatus, control body movements in straight lines: up, down, forward, backward, right, left, and the nerve cells of the semicircular canals become excited by circular movements of the body.

    The bony and membranous labyrinth with all the formations included in it, the vestibular nerve and those areas of the brain in which it ends form the vestibular system.

    Dizziness due to disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus differs from dizziness caused by other causes. With this type of vestibular vertigo, a person, as a rule, can characterize the condition he is experiencing. Some patients periodically experience the illusion of rotation of surrounding objects, in others the feeling of movement of their own body around a vertical axis predominates, in others the illusion of rotation of surrounding objects is combined with a sensation of rotation of their own body, with objects and the body rotating in opposite directions.

    At rest, these sensations usually disappear or become less noticeable than when moving the body and especially the head. Therefore, such patients try to move as little as possible. In addition to complaints of dizziness, they often experience a feeling of a “push” in one direction or another.
    In the clinic, the types of vestibular vertigo are divided into peripheral associated with diseases of the inner ear, and central, caused by disorders of the nervous system.
    The first is usually caused by various painful changes in the labyrinth and is characterized by severe attacks, often accompanied by hearing impairment.
    The causes of disturbances in the labyrinth and the appearance of peripheral dizziness can be inflammation of the inner ear, atherosclerosis, poisoning of the body with alcohol, nicotine, helminthic poisons, endocrine and other diseases.

    But sometimes peripheral dizziness appears without any noticeable changes in the ear. This is, for example, illness Meniere, named after the French physician Prosper Meniere, who first described its symptoms in 1861. People suffering from this disease, before an attack of severe and painful dizziness, usually experience tinnitus, hearing gradually deteriorates, unsteadiness of gait appears, balance is disturbed when turning the head sharply or if they fix their eyes on some point. The time for the appearance of harbingers of an approaching attack varies: from several days to several months.

    An onset of dizziness can last a few seconds, and sometimes many hours. In some cases, after an attack, patients feel healthy, in others they feel a loss of strength and weakness. The frequency of attacks varies from person to person. Once they occur, attacks sometimes do not recur for 10-15 years. The causes of this disease are not yet clear enough. Most scientists believe that dizziness may be a consequence of increased fluid pressure in the labyrinth. In people predisposed to this disease, another attack is possible after drinking alcohol, overeating, or overwork.

    Meniere's disease is not life-threatening, but those suffering from it should be exempted from work at heights or requiring constant balance, or long-term fixation of the gaze (watchmaker, draftsman).

    To combat this disease, therapeutic exercises and medications are used. Treatment in each specific case is prescribed strictly individually, so such patients must be under the supervision of a doctor. After long and persistent treatment, attacks become less frequent and gradually stop completely.

    A few words about the so-called central vestibular vertigo. Patients complain of a feeling of rapid fall, rocking of the bed. These sensations can be so “real” that patients, frightened, grab the edge of the bed or the people around them.

    The cause of central vestibular vertigo can be vascular brain diseases a, tumors, mental disorders, encephalitis.

    The doctor prescribes a method for treating dizziness depending on the causes that caused it. With long-term, chronic inflammation of the middle ear, there is often a need for surgery. In patients with hypertension or atherosclerosis, dizziness may be an indicator of deterioration of the condition: these patients require long-term and persistent treatment of the underlying disease. In cases where dizziness is associated with diseases of the central nervous system, appropriate neurological or neurosurgical treatment is recommended.

    Dizziness is a serious sign that should be addressed immediately. Timely and persistent treatment in most cases relieves a person of this disease.

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    This simple exercise, which can be performed at any age and with any body type, will develop your energy in the shortest possible time, strengthen the functioning of all body systems and launch the internal process of self-healing. Requires only 5 minutes. But it has a colossal impact. Doing it just 3 times a day will replace full-fledged physical training. In this case, the exercise does not lead to fatigue, but only increases the supply of energy.

    Doing it consistently over several weeks will lead to progressive changes in your sense of self. The levels of perception and control over internal energy that Indian yoga masters wrote about in legends will become accessible.

    The exercise is actually not new. We are not reinventing the wheel. It is part of the ancient Tibetan system of self-improvement of the body. Its main secret is that it can be performed completely in isolation and combined with any type of physical activity or even with its complete absence. It has no contraindications and does not require knowledge of yoga volumes. Everything you need to know will be outlined below.
    You can engage in fitness or bodybuilding, and adding it to your schedule, raise the level of your physical strength, revealing the subtlest levels of energy. Or be a busy office worker or housewife, completely unable to take care of yourself - and use it throughout the day to restore your strength and renew yourself internally. There are no restrictions.

    You will only need a few square meters and preferably a ventilated room.

    Clothes should not be restrictive. Ideally, there will be a minimum of it.
    No one should be watching you. Concentration and inner peace are required.

    Before performing it, it’s good to warm up slightly for a minute or two. Run in place, stretch your joints.

    Stand up straight, make sure that there are no places nearby that you could accidentally bump into.

    Spread your arms out to your sides, palms down. Start rotating clockwise around your axis. (If the imaginary dial under your feet is looking at you). Perform 10-12 rotations at medium speed. And then 3-5 turns counterclockwise.

    Stop. Place your palms together in front of your chest (as in prayer), and fixing your gaze on some point exactly in front of your eyes, inhale and press your palms firmly against each other as you exhale. Inhale deeply and press again as you exhale. And so on several times. This will stop dizziness and stabilize the unwinding of energy spheres. This is the stage of stabilizing the speed of energy rotation. Next, lower your arms and just stand relaxed and straight for one or two minutes, looking with defocused eyes in front of you.

    Such rotation around itself spins the invisible energy spheres of our body (located at the level of the spine and at the joints), and causes them to intensively absorb energy from the surrounding space. The fact is that they constantly rotate and our health and the actual amount of our internal energy depend on how correctly they do this. Rotation can get confused and slow down as a result of experienced mental stress of various natures, deposited in the subconscious. And this can progressively affect well-being and health in a negative way.

    Performing this exercise daily restarts and stabilizes the rotation of energy spheres, gradually bringing all systems back to normal. You need to do the exercise consistently and daily. It’s very good if you can devote time to it 3 times a day: morning, lunch and evening. Daily practice for several weeks will undoubtedly bring results. You will see it for yourself, feel the internal energy, and notice that you are no longer tired. In the future, you can reduce the number of approaches to two per day: morning and evening. And then, when you feel that your condition has returned to normal (“you are constantly at the peak of your form”) - up to once a day. But don't stop doing it completely. Do this exercise preventively at least once a day, maintaining the stable functioning of your energy spheres.

    The indicated number of revolutions (10-12 + 3-5) is the minimum level to start practice. Next, the number of revolutions needs to be increased, and you can also increase the speed of rotation around its axis. The measure of quantity is normal well-being: during and after the rotation, nausea and dizziness are unacceptable. If even after the rotation stabilization procedure you feel nauseated, you need to reduce the number of revolutions and rotation speed! There is no need to drive the horses. A week or two and gradually your results will invariably creep up. Gradually increase the number of revolutions to 30 (+ 7-8 in the opposite direction). Again, avoiding unpleasant sensations, stopping dizziness in time.

    Gradually, the chakras will unwind, grow, come into a harmonious state, and with them your condition will progressively improve. Just clearly remember the following: when rotating clockwise, the spheres open up to the collection, and when rotating counterclockwise, they close and encapsulate what has been accumulated. If you mix up where to turn, you may even lose consciousness. Be careful! First, you open up to gain energy and fill the energy system with particles of energy from the surrounding space; then you close the system and distribute what has accumulated, directing it inwards into yourself - rotating counterclockwise and then stopping.

    This is the whole principle. You need to understand it and competently build your studies on it. Only you can find out how many revolutions you need and how much is enough for you. At an advanced level, after a month or a little more, you will be able to spin freely 30 or more times without any dizziness or nausea and will completely forget about them. Over time, you can even increase the number of revolutions to 100 or even more, but the trick is that this is not particularly necessary. Less effort is enough, the main thing is constant.

    The highest level of this exercise that can be achieved is performing it for a long time with a consistent change in the direction of rotation. For example: 30 clockwise - 10 counterclockwise, then without stopping, clockwise again, then counterclockwise again. And so several times, back and forth. The chakras are trained in a very tough mode at the same time. If you do this at high speed, having previously done breathing exercises, you can literally feel how the energy is sucked inside and begins to vibrate in the body! This is a very high level. And the best part is that you can achieve it yourself! Without a guru and reading volumes of specialized literature. With this single 5 minute exercise.

    The only nuance that will be useful for you to know: later, having accumulated energy, your body will begin to give you signs that you will need to distribute it to some lagging, blocked areas of the body. You'll want to do some stretching, crunching, joint massage, or just exercise your muscles with regular exercise. You will want to give excess energy an outlet, perhaps through sports, running, or dancing. Don't resist it. Follow your inner guidance and sensations, and your body will guide you to optimal well-being.

    3 comments on “ An ancient Tibetan exercise for instantly restoring vital energy«

    1. Olga
      2:35 pm on May 15th, 2015

    Hello! I did this exercise before and still do it with morning warm-up, but only in one direction - 21 times. I'll try your recommendation. Question: can you practice with varicose veins of the legs, is it harmful?

    Thank you for the effective practice.
    I started doing it. It doesn’t work out slowly, it carries right away!

    I tried it! It really works! Don't cheat! I was spinning my chakras myself! The most interesting thing is that the brain begins to work differently! To create! And the worldview changes towards the positive! Believe me!

    Rotation around its axis dizziness

    It happens that a person only notices his instability and the instability (staggering, trembling) of the space around him, a feeling of throwing back his head, moving his legs and torso in one direction (usually upwards), and his head in the other (usually downwards when lying on his back), a feeling falling into the abyss. Dizziness occurs when there is inconsistency in the functioning of the organs of vision and the central nervous system, which is responsible for the sense of the body’s position in space (kinesthetic) and the sense of balance (vestibular).

    Symptoms and course:

    There are many causes of dizziness. It can also occur in absolutely healthy people, for example, when looking down from a great height or when looking at clouds, if you stand near a high-rise building - then there is a feeling that it is not the clouds that are moving, but the building is tilting. Dizziness occurs if you spin around your axis for a long time and then stop.

    Dizziness as a manifestation of the disease can be caused by a disease of the inner ear, when the vestibular (equilibrium) apparatus is affected by an inflammatory or tumor process. Such patients usually suffer from inflammation of the inner ear (otitis) for a long time; first, their hearing decreases, and then dizziness appears. With tumor damage, attacks occur against the background of hearing loss, ringing in the ear, and attacks of dizziness gradually become more frequent and intensify.

    Dizziness is very common when you sharply turn your head to the side, when getting out of bed in the morning, throwing your head back (while wallpapering, hanging laundry, removing a book from the top shelf), when tilting your head to the side or forward for a long time (weeding, car repairs, long sleeping on a train or bus), sometimes “throws to the side” when walking. Such dizziness is caused by spasm or compression of the vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the parts of the brain responsible for balance.

    Dizziness can occur with high or low blood pressure; poisoning, loss of fluid (vomiting, diarrhea) or blood loss (bleeding). Accompanied by dizziness and anemia (lack of red blood cells in the blood) and high temperature.

    It is not difficult, based on the patient’s complaints, characteristic symptoms (drunk gait, the patient’s attempts to grab surrounding objects, inability to stand or sit, frequent rhythmic twitching of the eyes (when looking to the side or up).

    Treatment and first aid:

    If dizziness occurs, place the patient on his back so that his head, neck and shoulders lie on a pillow, because in this position, kinking of the vertebral arteries is eliminated. You should avoid turning your head to the side, you need to open the windows, ventilate the room, put a cold bandage on your forehead, you can slightly moisten it with vinegar. Having measured the pressure and temperature, take measures to normalize them; if the heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute or an irregular heartbeat appears, and if dizziness is accompanied by nausea and repeated (more than 3 times) vomiting, you must call an ambulance.

    The choice of treatment tactics for dizziness is based on the cause of the disease and the mechanisms of its development. In any case, therapy should be aimed at relieving the patient of discomfort and associated neurological disorders. Therapy for cerebrovascular disorders involves monitoring blood pressure, prescribing antiplatelet agents, nootropics, venotonics, vasodilators and, if necessary, antiepileptic drugs. Treatment of Meniere's disease involves prescribing diuretics, limiting the intake of table salt, and in the absence of the desired effect and ongoing attacks of dizziness, deciding on surgical intervention. Treatment of vestibular neuronitis may require the use of antiviral drugs. Since in case of BPPV the use of drugs that inhibit the activity of the vestibular analyzer is considered inappropriate, the main method of treating benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the Epley technique.

    Vestibulolytics (betagistine 48 mg/day) are used as a symptomatic treatment for dizziness. The effectiveness of antihistamines (promethazine, meclozine) in the case of predominant damage to the vestibular analyzer has been proven. Non-drug therapy is of great importance in the treatment of non-systemic dizziness. With its help, it is possible to restore coordination of movements and improve gait. It is advisable to carry out therapy for psychogenic dizziness together with a psychotherapist (psychiatrist), since in some cases it may be necessary to prescribe anxiolytics, antidepressants and anticonvulsants.

    The prognosis depends on the nature of the dizziness.

    The information provided in this section is intended for medical and pharmaceutical professionals and should not be used for self-medication. The information is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be considered official.

    Is it possible to get rid of dizziness?

    Why is my head spinning?

    Scientists who studied this phenomenon found that the vestibular apparatus is responsible for spatial perception. When turning, turning over and other movements of the body in space, it sends signals to the brain. Such measures are necessary for us to maintain balance.

    The vestibular apparatus is a complex organ located in the inner ear and is a collection of neurons. Due to its intricate shape, it was called a “labyrinth”. In a certain part of the “labyrinth” there is a gel-like liquid with microparticles “floating” in it (otoliths). When we move, microparticles also move, catching sensitive hairs. The latter instantly send signals to the brain, and we feel any tilts, turns, accelerations, and the like.

    When rotating, the otoliths move quickly, and when the movement of the body suddenly stops, they inertially continue their “dance.” The brain compares visual and vestibular signals, and a contradiction in incoming data is diagnosed: the eyes say that you are standing still, and the inner ear says that you are moving! This creates the feeling that the ground is disappearing from under your feet.

    Is it possible to get rid of dizziness?

    Some people manage to overcome “seasickness” with multi-day training. But not everyone is destined to become a sailor or astronaut. The tendency to dizziness and nausea sometimes turns out to be stronger than persistence, and the body takes its toll.

    From early childhood, parents can physically develop the child for preventive purposes. The vestibular apparatus is activated if you visit:

    • ice rink,
    • swimming pool,
    • dance clubs,
    • various children's entertainment and sports complexes (swings, carousels, slides, horizontal bars, trampolines and more).

    Also, regular rotations around its axis and walking “back to front” help to reduce dizziness after rotation. In general, everything that makes you fight to maintain balance.

    For the first exercise, you need to stand up, stretch your arms in front of you in line with your shoulders. Then begin to rotate your body clockwise; for the first time, three such revolutions will be enough. If you feel very dizzy, try to keep your gaze on a fixed point for a while. Fingertips work well for these purposes.

    For the second exercise, lie on your back, preferably on some softening mat. The arms lie along the body, the fingers are connected and pressed to the floor. Raise your head, press your chin to your chest. Then lift your straight legs vertically up, but try to leave your pelvis on the floor. After this, return to the original horizontal position.

    When performing the second exercise, you need to control your breathing. While in a horizontal position, empty your lungs of air. Raising your head and legs, inhale slowly. The lowering of the head and legs is accompanied by a smooth exhalation. It is important to focus on the depth of breathing, concentrate on it and on the sensations in the body.

    Third and fourth exercises: kneeling and table position

    The third exercise is performed while kneeling, with the knees positioned hip-width apart. This allows the hips to become vertical. Palms should be placed on the back of the thigh, under the buttocks. The chin is pressed to the chest. Next, the following is done: the head is tilted back and up, the chest is pushed forward, the spine bends back. At the same time, your hands can rest a little on your hips. Again, in the starting position you need to be with empty lungs, take a slow breath as you complete the exercise.

    The fourth exercise is done in a sitting position, legs extended in front of you, feet shoulder-width apart. The back is straight, the palms are on the sides of the body, the fingers are connected and look forward. The head drops to the chest, after which it throws back and up. The torso rises forward and is brought to a horizontal position; it should be in the same plane with the hips. The shins and arms serve as vertical support. Stay like this for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Monitor your breathing throughout the exercise; you should start with empty lungs. While lifting your torso, inhale slowly and hold your breath at the end point.

    Fifth exercise: acute angle pose

    The fifth exercise is performed from a lying position, with an arched back. The fulcrum points are the palms and tips of the toes, the rest is above the floor. The fingers look forward, tightly closed. Palms and feet are placed shoulder-width apart. The head is thrown back and up, after which we change the position of the body. It still rests on the palms and tips of the toes, but now in an acute angle pose with the apex at the top. The head is pressed to the chest, legs are straight. While lying down, the lungs are empty; when folding the body, a breath is taken. At the extreme point, the breath is held, and when returning to point-blank range, an exhalation is made.

    Read the original book, The Eye of Renaissance, by Peter Caeldler!

    FIRST ritual action of the "Eye of Rebirth"

    Ritual action one very simple. It is performed with the aim of imparting an additional moment of inertia to the rotation of the vortices. To put it simply, with the help of the first ritual action we seem to disperse the vortices, giving their rotation speed and stability..

    Starting position for first ritual action- standing straight with arms extended horizontally to the side at shoulder level. Having taken it, you need to start rotating around your axis until you feel a slight dizziness. In this case, the direction of rotation is very important - from left to right. In other words, if you were standing in the center of a large clock face lying on the floor, facing up, you would need to rotate clockwise. Women rotate in the same direction.

    For the vast majority of adults, turning around half a dozen times is enough to start feeling dizzy. Therefore, lamas recommend that beginners limit themselves to three revolutions. If, after performing the first ritual action, you feel the need to sit down or lie down in order to get rid of dizziness, be sure to follow this natural requirement of your body. At first, this is exactly what I did all the time.

    During the initial period of mastering ritual actions, it is very important not to overdo it. Try never to cross the line beyond which mild dizziness becomes very noticeable and is accompanied by mild bouts of nausea, since the practice of subsequent ritual actions in this case can cause vomiting. As you practice all five ritual actions, you will gradually find over time that you can spin more and more in the first action without causing yourself to become noticeably dizzy.

    In addition, to “push back the limit of dizziness,” you can use a technique that is widely used in their practice by dancers and figure skaters. Before you start spinning, fix your gaze on some stationary point directly in front of you. As you begin to turn, do not take your eyes off your chosen point as long as possible. When, due to the turn of your head, the point of fixation of your gaze leaves your field of vision, quickly turn your head, ahead of the rotation of your body, and as quickly as possible again “capture” your landmark with your gaze. This method of working using a reference point allows you to quite noticeably push back the limit of dizziness.

    “When I served in India, I was more than once amazed by the sight of the so-called “dancing dervishes,” who for hours without stopping rotated around their axis in a strange religious dance. Having become acquainted with the first ritual action, I remembered two important points: firstly, the dancing dervishes always rotate in the same direction - from left to right, that is, clockwise, and, secondly, they all look very strong and youthful - no comparison with ordinary people of the same age.

    I asked one of the teacher lamas at the monastery whether the practice of dancing dervishes was connected with ritual actions. He replied that the dervishes use the same principle in their practice, but they take it to the point of absurdity. As a result of hyperstimulation in the interaction of the body and the vortexes, at some point a serious imbalance occurs. Something like an “internal rupture” occurs, which has very destructive consequences for the body. The dervishes interpret this explosion as a “psychic epiphany” - a kind of flash of religious enlightenment. However, in most cases this is a mistake, since the resulting state has very little to do with “true enlightenment.”



    This is interesting: